PhD in Marine Ecology

Academic year 2024-25

Interdisciplinary and specific educational activities

The Academic Committee for the PhD Programme in Marine Ecology generally recommends students take a minimum of 60 mandatory hours of common cross-cutting training activities (similar courses provided and taken at other universities shall be considered). In turn, full-time students are recommended to do these activities in their first year on the programme, whilst part-time students should do them in the first and second year.

Active Cross-cutting activities

You can find the currently active PhD training activities in "Management of doctoral students > Transversal and programme-specific training"

Training activities programme for PhD students at the University of the Balearic Islands

The training activities proposed will have specific assessment procedures based on objective tests. As a general rule, the supervisor or tutor shall be responsible for including the assessment (pass/fail) or successful completion of the activity in the PhD activities document.

Specific Activities

Taking part in sample collection onboard an oceanographic vessel (BO) - (mandatory)
Designed to train PhD students in on-site research, collecting data on physicochemical and biological variables with sensors used in oceanography (CTD, fluoroProbe, etc.), methodologies for collecting samples for chemical analysis and biotic communities, and preparing samples for further lab analysis.
Being enrolled on the programme and authorised by the thesis supervisor/tutor.
Mandatory (it may be substituted by another experiment activity in accordance with the criteria set by the Academic Committee)
Sessions will be announced in advance and run throughout the academic year.
This activity must be performed in the first year of the programme by both full-time and part-time students.
Language of Instruction
Catalan, Spanish and English (since this is an individual activity, students may freely select any of the working languages included in the verified report for the PhD programme).
Assessment Procedure
The thesis supervisors will supervise the collection and assess the reports. Student work on the vessel will be tutored by a researcher from one of the three participating centres on the PhD programme.
Oceanographic campaigns may be in Spain or overseas. Students must be authorised by their supervisor or the principal investigator for the project.
Skills set out in the verified report
CB11, CB15.
CA04, CA05, CA06.
State of the Art Review (mandatory)
Acquiring the ability to perform and manage bibliographic searches on a research topic in different public and private databases.
Being enrolled on the programme.
This activity must be performed in the first year of the programme by both full-time and part-time students.
Language of Instruction
Catalan, Spanish and English (since this is an individual activity, students may freely select any of the working languages included in the verified report for the PhD programme).
Assessment Procedure
Supervisors will carry out the relevant assessment.
Skills set out in the verified report
CB11, CB12, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16.
CA01, CA02, CA05 and CA06.
Research Seminars (Mandatory)
Attendance at seminars held at the three participating centres on the PhD in Marine Ecology (IMEDEA, UIB and COB [IEO]) given by researchers linked to the programme, as well as renowned guest scientists (preferably from overseas research centres). As a general guide, PhD students will need to attend at least ten seminars.
Being enrolled on the programme.
At any time whilst students remain enrolled on the programme.
Full-time students may do this activity over the three years of the PhD programme. Part-time students may do it over five years.
Language of Instruction
Catalan, Spanish and English (seminar speakers select the presentation language).
Assessment Procedure
An attendance certificate duly signed by the organiser stating the title, date and length of the seminar. Moreover, students must submit a report to their supervisor comprising a critical summary of the presentation topic and its potential impact on their research work.
N/A. However, attendance at seminars as part of overseas stays or taking part in workshops or specific courses for new researchers at conferences, etc. will be accepted.
Skills set out in the verified report
CB14, CB15, CB16.
CA05 and CA06.
Writing and presenting scientific papers (mandatory)
The activity will include writing a scientific article linked to the thesis topic, as well as a public presentation. The aim is to submit the work as a paper at conferences or for publication in journals with a high impact factor.
Being enrolled on the programme.
At any time whilst students remain enrolled on the programme.
This activity must be performed in the second year of the programme by full-time students and in the third year by part-time students. In any case, students may choose to do it earlier.
Language of Instruction
Catalan, Spanish and English (to be selected by students and in line with the relevant publication or conference).
Assessment Procedure
Skill acquisition will be assessed by writing and presenting a scientific paper in public, as part of the training activity. Where a paper is published or submitted to a peer-reviewed national or international journal or conference, students will have to provide the relevant supporting documents as proof of review.
Skills set out in the verified report
CB12, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16.
CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05 and CA06.
Mobility (Elective)
Fostering and promoting attendance at specialised courses and scientific conferences, and undertaking research stays at centres and laboratories not directly linked to the programme, in accordance with criteria set by the thesis supervisors.
Being enrolled on the programme.
At any time whilst students remain enrolled on the programme.
This activity shall be undertaken during later years of the programme, both for full-time students (second and third year) and part-time students whose external commitments enable them to take a leave of absence (third, fourth and fifth year).
Language of Instruction
Preferably English where stays or conference attendance are overseas. Students may also choose to use Spanish or Catalan based on whether centres or conferences are located in Spain and either is one of the working languages.
Assessment Procedure
The activity shall be assessed by the thesis supervisor who must write a report. The mobility activity and assessment result shall be included in the doctorand activities document.
Skills set out in the verified report
CB11, CB14, CB15, CB16.
CA04, CA05 and CA06.