Annual Reviews

When does this procedure need to be done?

Every year in the set call. (More information on first annual review)
A positive assessment is essential to be able to continue on the programme.

In the event of a negative assessment (which must be duly reasoned), doctorands must be reassessed within six months. Where they once again receive a negative assessment, they must definitively withdraw from the programme.

What needs to be submitted for the annual review?

Students who started their programme from the 2021-22 academic year

The annual assessment is done over Acadèmic.

You need to submit:

Students who started their programme before the 2021-22 academic year

The annual assessment is done over the Postgraduate Platform.

You need to submit:

  • A report prepared and signed by your thesis supervisor(s) on the status of your research
  • Your GREC CV (full version and CVN format)
  • Certificates for all activities undertaken within the framework of the PhD that are included in GREC. The following must be accredited with certificates: cross-cutting and specific activities on the PhD programme, attendance at conferences and seminars, overseas stays, etc.