Record of activities

Doctorands must keep a record of all the training activities (both specific and cross-cutting) and the research activities they undertake within the framework of the PhD programme.

The activities document must include: publications in specialised journals; attendance at scientific meetings or conferences; presentation of papers at scientific meeting or conferences; attendance at courses, seminars and other training activities; research stays at other institutions, etc. Any additional information that is relevant to your doctoral training must also be included.

The tutor/supervisor(s) shall monitor the activities and validate them in the activities document, so that they can be appraised in the annual review performed by the Academic Commission for the PhD programme.

For guidance on the coherence and suitability of the training activities, their impact and novelty within the field of the PhD thesis, and the planning and adaptation to other projects and activities on which you are enrolled, please contact your thesis supervisor(s).

Where should the activities be registered?

Students who first enrolled on the programme in the 2021-22 academic year or later

You must register all your training and research activities in the 'Activities Document' section within Acadèmic > Research and Activities Plan.

In order to do so, please follow the instructions you will find in the Student Portal.

Students who first enrolled on the programme prior to the 2021-22 academic year

This is an online procedure via the application: <>.

You must use the GREC curriculum management application, or any other that the UIB Executive Council may determine.