PhD in Neuroscience

Academic year 2024-25

Branch of Knowledge Health Sciences
Certification UIB coordinator Dra. María Cristina Nicolau Llobera
Tuition and admin fees per academic year ¤275.60 (*)
Spots for new students 30
Teaching language
Catalan and/or Spanish and/or English, although the PhD thesis may be written in other languages which are widely used within the scientific community.
Shortcuts to

(*) Per academic year


Composition of the Academic Committee

María Cristina Nicolau Llobera
Gabriel Ángel Olmos Bonafé
  • Antonio Gamundí Gamundí
  • Ana María González Roldán
  • Cristòfol Vives Bauzà
  • David Moranta Mesquida
  • Pedro José Montoya Jiménez
  • Celia Garau Garcia

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