PhD in Marine Ecology

Academic year 2023-24

Branch of Knowledge Sciences
Certification UIB coordinator Dr. Lluís Gómez Pujol
Tuition and admin fees per academic year ¤275.60 (*)
Spots for new students 20
Teaching language
Catalan and/or Spanish and/or English, although the PhD thesis may be written in other languages which are widely used within the scientific community.
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(*) Per academic year

The PhD in Marine Ecology programme provides the context to develop research leading to the highest academic title of Doctor, accrediting the acquisition of skills and abilities linked to quality scientific research in the field of marine ecology, which looks at the structure and dynamics of ecosystems, the role of species and habitats, and the relationship between biotic and antibiotic factors within the current scenario of global change. There are two main areas of research:

  1. Fisheries biology: the dynamics of exploited marine populations, biodiversity, demersal ecosystems and gear selectivity.
  2. Coastal zone ecology: biogeochemical cycles, the structure of trophic networks, population dynamics and anthropic impacts.

The PhD programme is mainly aimed at science graduates (biology, marine science, environmental science, biotechnology, biochemistry, physics, chemistry and geology) that hold an official masters in areas related to marine ecology.

UIB   IMEDEA   Centre Oceanogràfic de Balears-IEO


Composition of the Academic Committee

Lluís Gómez Pujol
Maria Capa Corrales
  • Nona Agawin Romualdo
  • Josep Alòs Crespí
  • Iris Hendriks
  • Enric Massutí Sureda
  • Maite Vázquez Luis

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